Monday, June 24, 2013

It's ALL Science

The dynamics behind how the ULTRASLIDE Slideboard are made and why it lends itself so well to fitness and athletic training is all based on science. By challenging the body to move in alternate ways (i.e., moving laterally versus the daily front to back stride), you can increase flexibility and better anticipate and respond to sports-driven movement.

In this video, Jordan Troester, Coach at Sparta Performance Science explains how slideboards can help athletes achieve distinct lateral movement and rotational power for a variety of sports including baseball, softball, volleyball and even water polo.

What's the difference in ULTRASLIDE slideboards for athletic training? View and compare ULTRASLIDE products here.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Bridging the Gap

Many think of the ULTRASLIDE Slideboard primarily as a lower body workout, which is a somewhat of a misconception. While  you exert a moderate amount of lower body strength to move across the slideboard, it is actually your core and a combination of muscle groups that are your greatest sources of power.

If you are new to the ULTRASLIDE or need additional guidance on how to better engage your upper body to achieve the greatest full body benefit from the slideboard workout, Coach Jordan Troester of SPARTA Performance Science provides instruction in this video:

SPARTA Performance Science is a unique athletic training facility in the California Bay Area. Leveraging technology and objective-based training models, SPARTA trains some of the most elite athletes to advance their performance, learn new techniques or recover from injuries and maintain a fulfilling athletic career. Learn more about SPARTA here.

View ULTRASLIDE products anytime at

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Fast Track to Success

"The ULTRASLIDE® Slideboard has been a crucial addition to my rehab has already sped up my progression and recovery and will continue to play an important role in my training and conditioning."

                                                                                - Chris "Thommo" Thompson

Chris "Thommo" Thompson, 2012 Olympian and Silver
Medalist in the European Championships 10,000M
training on an ULTRASLIDE 8 Slideboard.

U: What are the most important training objectives for runners?

CT: I think the most important training objectives for runners fall in two categories: running and hills sessions.

The most effective running sessions include threshold progression, running-specific conditioning and VO2 Max (maximal oxygen consumption).

Hills sessions include strength and elastic strength training and running efficiency. The objectives from each category are built on the needs to increase endurance and develop muscle strength, which is where the ULTRASLIDE is helpful in both regards.

What are the most challenging aspects of running for exercise, conditioning or training?
CT: There are many challenges before, during and after training or competition. I think there are four primary challenges:
  1. Identifying recovery strategies to repair the body from the increased amounts of training associated with being an elite athlete.
  2. Meeting all training objectives to become a well-rounded athlete. 
  3. Correctly executing training and maintaining a positive mental state. 
  4. Utilizing injury management and prevention techniques.

Why do you think the ULTRASLIDE Slideboard is effective for runners?

CT: For runners who concentrate solely on glute strength, the ULTRASLIDE can be a great way to build complementary abductor strength. This is primarily because glutes and abductors work in harmony to achieve total efficiency. The ULTRASLIDE is also a great tool to coordinate the body and build a base for hip activation and muscular harmony prior to lifting weights in the gym. It helps the hips to be ready and fully activated before performing heavy exercises to avoid imbalances through poor form. Building this foundation enables better execution of a range of exercises all the way up to anaerobic running and thus not only helps with injury prevention but also assists the athlete with achieving great running efficiency. 

Having incorporated the ULTRASLIDE Slideboard into your training and conditioning, do you find that it supports conditioning in one central or multiple area(s)?

CT: My primary reason for initially using the ULTRASLIDE was to specifically strengthen and activate my abductor muscles. They had become weak after my hernia operation and I developed pubis dysfunction. My hip range was reduced and general movement - specifically running - had become difficult to manage and execute. After using the ULTRASLIDE I was able to redevelop stability in my hips which directly enhanced my ability to perform and achieve all of the areas of training required.

What differences in performance did you notice after you began using the ULTRASLIDE Slideboard in a more targeted way?
CT: Once I began using the ULTRASLIDE more regularly, I could isolate my abductor muscles to better strengthen them and also stretch my tendons in a careful and controlled manner. Very quickly I noticed my body accepted this way of training whereas previous attempts to do the same in other forms of exercise just left me irritated and sore without progression.

What is your go-to exercise or routine when utilizing the ULTRASLIDE Slideboard for running training?

CT: My teammates and I use the ULTRASLIDE Slideboard in a variety of ways:
  • Cardio Warmup - We slide from side to side continuously for 10 minutes prior to beginning a strength and conditioning workout. 
  • Abdominal Workout - After a workout, the team slides laterally on the ULTRASLIDE to work abdominal muscles in lieu of standard core strengthening exercises (i.e., sit-ups or crunches).
  • Rehabilitation - Injured athletes use the ULTRASLIDE daily to improve hip stability and strength.
Get information on upcoming competitions and the successes 
of Chris (@THommo10K) and the OTC Team by 
visiting the OTC Elite website or following them on Twitter @OregonTCElite.